Saving money and college are not always two things that go together

I mean attending college can be pretty pricy and that's before any "extras", such as eating out with friends, shopping, or even activities with friends. I wanted to share some tips on how to save money in college without necessarily limiting your social life and that are most importantly easy to do!

"Shop" your friends' closet I know I'm definitely guilty of wanting to buy new pieces for different occasions, whether it's gameday or a sorority function. While all of those new outfits are cute, they can quickly make a dent in your bank account! If your friends are ok with it, borrow clothes from each other. A "new" skirt can completely transform your look for a football game or if you trade semi dresses around, no one will notice!
Utilize student discounts
A lot of stores, thankfully, offer a student discount, which can save you a ton of money! I would recommend asking wherever you shop as you never know if they offer a discount or not and it doesn't hurt to ask!
Save your coinsI started keeping all of my coins in a jar back in high school and recently deposited it to find out I had $ coins. I absolutely despise using coins so I keep them in a jar. It may not seem like a lot at the time but they definitely add up!

Limit how much you spend on coffee This is directed at myself as I definitely need to work on this one! That daily Starbucks adds up quickly and while the dining dollars you're using to pay for it may not feel like "real" money, it definitely is. Bring your own to-go mug to class or opt for a cheaper beverage when you do get Starbucks.
Avoid the on-campus convenience stores Yes, they're amazingly convenient for when you're out of soap and you don't want to get your car out to go drive to Target. However, they jack up the prices so you're paying $10 for two bars of soap. It may not seem like a lot but it definitely adds up! Make sure you have enough of the essentials on hand in your room (from toiletries to cleaning supplies) so you can avoid the on-campus convenience stores as much as possible!
Limit your subscriptions I know it's so easy to subscribe to a million different services. While Netflix and Hulu do have different shows, do you really need both? Cutting back on some of these is a great way to save a few extra dollars each month!

How do you save money in college? Let me know in the comments! #College